Good boating practice is as much about being prepared before you depart as it is your skills and experience on the water.
Additionally to the equipment outlined in other pages of the boating equipment section, include the following on most vessels -
- First Aid Kit
- Throwable Flotation Devices - Carry at least one floating device with a line attached that you could throw to a person in the water in case of trouble.
- Divers Flag minimum size 600mm x 600mm.
- Anchor warp with 3‐6m chain, attached to a non‐floating rope and secured to the boat.
- Bilge pump, bucket, hand bailer
- Charts, plotter, GPS, depth sounder and navigation lights.
- Alternative power, a spare outboard motor, or oars.
- Fire extinguishers, replace or service them if they’re out of date. Make sure they are accessible.
- Boathook and throwing line
- Torch
- Warm clothing
Dive boats should carry emergency oxygen and have personnel trained in oxygen administration.
Check the equipment on your boat and make sure it’s in good working order and you have everything you need.
Check batteries on portable equipment such as torches, radios, and your GPS, and replace them as required.
Additional Resources
Recommended reading
Maritime NZ - You and your boatVideo 1
Safer Boating Forum - All boats need maintenance
Video 2